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His Mercy and Grace Inc.
HMAG SHOWERS will increase the trust and self-esteem of the homeless community. By providing mobile showers, clean clothes, undergarments, toiletries, haircuts, housing and employment resources. His Mercy and Grace Inc. is ready to fill the gap in the homeless community one shower at a time. We understand that this will not end homelessness in its entirety, but this will allow our brothers and sisters within the homeless community to begin taking the proper steps of rebuilding their lives in the economic workforce.
About Us
Founded in 2016 His Mercy and Grace Inc. caters to homelessness in the City of Atlanta. Joined by Alicia and Scottesha Deadrick and Catolyn Merriweather began her journey in giving back to the homeless community in 2008. Catolyn was called by God to establish a place where the homeless community can regain confidence in themselves and their community. By launching His Mercy and Grace Inc. the three women received donations from family, friends and community leaders to provide food and clothing for the homeless. Distributing 200 lunches, 200 dinners and over 1200 pieces of clothing inspired the women to expand and reach the homeless community in other ways. The foundation is moving forward to create additional services to the homeless community by establishing a shower trailer allowing homeless men, women and children to shower, receive clean undergarments and clothing multiple times a week. The foundation has future plans of networking with the City of Atlanta, organization leaders, vendors and homeless agencies to provide services that cater to the homeless community and those affected by poverty.



Based on the 2017 "Georgia’s Literally Homeless Population":Single Night (Point in Time Count)
Unsheltered Homeless: 3,692
Emergency Shelter/ Transitional Housing: 6,681
Total: 10,373
This report includes veterans and individuals with disabilites.
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